Martin Kohler

Research Assistant

Martin Kohler is coordinator of the Network of Labs, researcher at the CSTI and lecturer in urban photography at the HafenCity University (HCU), Hamburg-Germany and teaches „Understanding Knowledge“ at Leuphana University in Lüneburg-Germany. He holds a diploma in Landscape Architecture from the Universität Hannover and has worked for the HafenCity University Hamburg for many years. At the CSTI fields of research interests are transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, creative computing and the digital city. He has a profound experience in organizing and conducting international workshops in the realms of urban complexity and worked for universities in Prague, Boston, Rotterdam, Seoul, São Paulo, London.



Research Projects

Network of Labs


Martin Kohler
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
FTZ Smart Systems, Steindamm 94, 20099 Hamburg