VR triage training for mass casualty incidents (MCI), a cooperation with the University Medical Center Hamburg (UKE)
Preparing and training for mass casualty incidents (MCI) in the context of a university medical education is difficult for obvious reasons. This BA thesis develops a VR training software for simulating such a catastrophic event. We developed the concept as a cooperation between the CSTI and the Anaesthesiology and Intensive-care Department of the University Medical Center Hamburg (UKE).
Our VR training software simulates a realistic MCI, allowing students to immerse in the virtual environment of a subway station. There the students can move around freely, interact with the casualties, screen them and apply the triage criteria they trained for. With the help of a triage chart, they can assign the casualties to different categories, according to the chosen requirements.
Bachelor Thesis
Entwicklungsmethodik einer Virtual Reality Lernumgebung für die Einschätzung von Patienten bei einem Massenanfall von Verletzten
Robin Angelini, 2020, Link