Smart Move Research Group

We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University Hamburg and the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg with a focus on artificial intelligence, affective computing, quantified self, motion science, and smart home environments. We combine physiological (ECG, EMG, respiration, blood markers), kinematic (acceleration, gyroscope) data, or video data (pose estimation, emotion detection) to automatically evaluate the activity and state of people (e.g., stress and exhaustion levels).

What do we offer?

  • Know-how regarding artificial intelligence, quantified self, affective computing, activity recognition, and motion science.
  • Fully habitable smart home environment: Living Place Lab
  • Acquisition, processing and analysis of large amounts of data especially from different sensor types.
  • Research- and evidence-based analyses.
  • Systematic experimental design, planning, execution and processing.
  • Incremental and experimental prototyping.
  • Creation of concepts for movement-promoting measures.
  • Acquisition of test subjects.
  • Evaluation of movement sequences as well as diagnostics and interpretation of health- and training-relevant parameters.
  • Application, administration and organization of government-funded research projects.

Potential topics

  • Monitoring the activity and state of workers, patients, or elderly people, e.g. in smart homes with wearables sensors and/or video analysis (e.g., working from home aka „homeoffice“ or Ambient Assisted Living).
  • Extension of existing health or training-oriented products, e.g. addition of further sensor technology and evaluation methods.
  • Quantification of load, stress, and well-being in work environments, e.g. through real-time monitoring of back strain during work.
  • Design of intelligent feedback mechanisms, e.g. to mobilize a more active lifestyle among sedentary populations.
  • Optimization and risk reduction of analog work processes, e.g. through additional digital support during welding work.


Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck
office: +49 40 428 75 8407
mobile: +49 171 473 2018

Related Works


Living Place Lab







Kai von Luck

Kai von Luck

André Jeworutzki

André Jeworutzki


Susanne Draheim

Susanne Draheim

Marcelle Schaffarczyk

Marcelle Schaffarczyk


Jan Schwarzer

Jan Schwarzer

Mike Schmidt

Mike Schmidt


Leonard Bardtke

Jonas Ningelgen

Eva Müller

Paul Richter


Thomas Weigl

Felix Lorenz

Nora Berg

Andreas Kamenz


Bruno Rodrigues

Phillip Schackier

Maria Lüdemann