Two Presentations at PETRA 2023
At this year’s PETRA conference in July, we will have the opportunity to present insights from two of our studies in the domain of machine learning and physical activity. The first study concerns the topic of fatigue detection during exercise. In the second...
Project HopE: Presentation at CHI 2023
At this year’s CHI conference in Hamburg, we had the opportunity to share the latest findings from our DFG project „HopE“ with the HCI community. In our contribution, we present a methodological approach for analyzing walking trajectories. In the...
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert Projekt HopE in Kooperation mit Universität der Bundeswehr München
Heute haben wir die erfreuliche Nachricht erhalten, dass die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) das von uns beantragte Projekt HopE – Untersuchung des Honeypot-Effekts an (halb-)öffentlichen Ambient Displays in Langzeitfeldstudien fördern wird, welches wir...
PETRA 2021
The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly interdisciplinary conference that focuses on computational and engineering approaches to improve the quality of life and enhance human performance in a wide range of settings,...
CHI 2021
The 2021 ACM CHI Virtual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on Human-Computer Interaction. In 2021, the conference is organised as an online virtual conference and will take place between May 8 and May 13. Two of...
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