Aug. 24, 2020
ODRADEK – A Tangible User Interface that Simulates Emotional Behaviour in a Smart Home Environment A home is a place where people can express their personality. It is a place where personal belongings are displayed and collected. Some things are useful, and others...
Juli 25, 2020
A Unicorn to control the Ambient Light The Unicorn is a tangible interface to control the ambient light in the Living Place Lab. Sentimental artifacts, heirlooms, and personal belongings—displayed in homes—represent a person’s identity and social world. But a lot of...
Juni 24, 2020
Espresso Cup The Espresso Cup is a tangible artifact to analyse the user’s drinking behaviour through data mining methods. The Espresso Cup is a further development of the SmartMug by Joschka Sondhof and focuses on the daily user’s coffee consumption in home...
Juli 24, 2019
3D-Labyrinth Das 3D-Labyrinth wurde als Mixed-Reality-Anwendung für den virtuellen Escape Room entwickelt. Die Idee der Anwendung ist es, dass zwei Spieler sowohl in der physikalischen als auch in der virtuellen Umgebung Rätsel miteinander lösen.Das 3D-Labyrinth...
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