Apr. 8, 2022
Train Like A Machine The use of smart fitness sensors has increased notably in recent years. They are integrated into everyday devices such as fitness watches or wristbands and are often an important component of the individual training. Simultaneously, scientists are...
Sep. 22, 2021
Smart Move Research Group We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University Hamburg and the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg with a focus on artificial intelligence, affective computing, quantified self, motion science, and smart home...
März 1, 2021
Algorithmic Activity Detection Based on Motion and Position Sensors This thesis deals with the segmentation of repetitive sports exercises. The segmentation of such time series data constitutes a scientifically interesting problem, as it enables analysis of individual...
Jan. 18, 2021
An Algorithm for Estimating the Performance during Barbell Exercises with Acceleration Sensors The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the possibility to estimate the performance during barbell exercises with acceleration data. Initially, it was tried to estimate the...
Apr. 29, 2020
MoGaSens The aim of the project is the conception, development and testing of „MoGaSens“ (in German for: „Mobiles Ganzkörper-Sensorsystems“), an IT-based system for the fitness-oriented prevention and training application under the supervision...
Jan. 20, 2020
Space-time data mining in dynamic sensor systems Source: Particulate matter data map, Luftdaten.info Space-time data mining is used in almost all big data systems. Metadata is also stored for each generated data point. These contain information about the place and...
Jan. 17, 2020
Time Series Analysis of Physiological Data for Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning A good emotion recognition is of great importance for companion systems in order to be able to respond to the user in the best possible way. In this master thesis the test setup and...
Jan. 17, 2020
Deep Learning based Buy Predictions with Sequence Models Identifying whether a clicked item in an e-commerce session will end in a purchase is a current research inquiry. This task was also set at the RecSys Challenge in 2015. The competition was won with a two-stage...
Jan. 17, 2020
Towards German Abstractive Text Summarization using Deep Learning Text summarization is an established sequence learning problem divided into extractive and abstractive models. While extractive models learn to only rank words and sentences, abstractive models learn to...
Okt. 28, 2019
nHAWigatora miniature ship Beim Modellschiff nHAWigatora handelt es sich um ein Miniaturschiff im Maßstab 1:100. Dieses ist ausgestattet mit Aktorik zum Manövrieren und mit Sensorik, um die Umwelt zu erfassen. Eingesetzt und getestet wird die nHAWigatora im Miniatur...
Aug. 20, 2018
Structuring of the domain whisky varieties with the help of text mining This thesis addresses the challenge of whisky recommendations. Its goal is to create the basis for a fictional whisky recommendation system. Specially, the goal of this thesis is to create a...
Juli 17, 2017
Eine kontext-sensitive Tasse für die vernetzte Zukunft Neue Anwendungen auf Basis vernetzter Gegenstände (Internet of Things) sollen zu einer Vereinfachung der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion sowie Verbesserungen alltäglicher Lebensabläufe führen. Mit Ubiquitous Computing...
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